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 why im banned?

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Join date : 2012-07-13

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PostSubject: why im banned?   why im banned? Icon_minitime13/7/2012, 8:40 pm

well, i was playing this morning, when i saw some donators players,i know that one of them is gm, and he banned me without proof, this is ridiculous, many ppl know that the donators players are noobs and they dont accept that legal ppl can pwn them in vs, first learn to play n00bs

PD: nobody had noticed that the donators users from el morad increase their nps without be online. Wink
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Posts : 18
Join date : 2012-07-03

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PostSubject: Re: why im banned?   why im banned? Icon_minitime14/7/2012, 5:33 am

ComeAtMeBro banned use speed hack.
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