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 Drop list game

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Posts : 213
Join date : 2012-07-03
Age : 37

Drop list game Empty
PostSubject: Drop list game   Drop list game Icon_minitime4/7/2012, 1:55 am


Worms/Blood worm - warrior amazing armor
Kecoon/Kecoon fighter - rogue amazing armor
Fury gavolt/ Giant gavolt - priest amazing armor
Bandicoot/ Scavenger bandicoot - mage amazing armor

Wild bandicoot - 3x silver bar
Earth worm - Scroll Lion
Snatcher - Scroll hp 2k, Scroll ac 350, scroll sw

Kecoon Warrior - Elf-Metal Earring +3, Platinum Earring +3, Secret-Silver Earring +3
Bulcan - String of Skulls +3, Iron Neclace +3
Will Bulcan - Iron Belt +3
Werewolft - ROL +3, ROC +3, ROM+3
Orc wacher - ROF+3
Spoiler - Iron earring+3

Bulture - wirinom,baal
Giant Bulcan - raum,chd,sherion
Lycan - faun,fulitol,molok
Loup Garoup - windforce
Silan - gabs,holy animor

Colony Zone
GT Ultima
3. Slot : %100 King-Axe of Devil (+10)
4. Slot : %100 Dagger of Devil (+10)
5. Slot : %100 Bow of Devil (+10)

GT Felankor
3. Slot : %100 Shield of Devil (+10)
4. Slot : %100 Mace of Devil (+10)
5. Slot : %100 Staff of Devil (+10)

Chaos Stone - random boss,all this boss drop Iron Belt+4 / 500np

Last edited by GrayWolf on 4/8/2012, 1:14 pm; edited 16 times in total
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